
The Matchbox Collection

Created by Gonzalo Aguirre Bisi

Five portable euro-styled games that can be played solo or with others in 20 minutes.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Pre-production feedback, metal coins, timeline and wallpapers
over 3 years ago – Sat, Sep 05, 2020 at 04:12:48 AM

Hello travelers!

We hope this message finds you well.

Over the past month, a lot has happened and we are glad that everything was solved in a timely manner. Here is an update on everything we have done.

We would like to let you know that we still have 320 backers that need to complete their pledge. By confirming your pledge, you are making sure that the game will be shipped to you along with all the rest of the batch. You can still update your address before we deliver.

If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by visiting our BackerKit project page at

We really appreciate all of your help towards this matter to make this Kickstarter project our most successful one in terms of organization and fulfillment.

Pre-production notes

For about two weeks we have been testing very thoroughly all of the different components, usability and color of each game, the stretch goals, and the add-ons.

Boxes were sent to three different locations and the games were played with people that don’t belong to our team,  to get additional feedback.

We have already reported all of the following changes and Panda is already working on everything related to the pre-production of the changes at a very good speed.

This is what we encountered:


We found that some games had their sleeved components too squeezed inside the box, considering the current size. We had to take the decision to increase the depth of the boxes of 1cm (from 5cm to 6cm) which won’t alter the look of the collection but will give more room to store the components inside the box.

Because we know you will ask, we will not change the card size in 15 days, as both the team and our testers feel that the game is perfectly playable with the amount of space needed on the table, along with how items are displayed on the playmat.


We had to change this one too because of the new size of the boxes. After 4 different stages, we finally found the perfect size to fit everything back in the box, including some additional space for carrying the Passport and the Rebis board.


We felt that a bit more depth was needed for the coins to make sure that the design we envisioned was clear and sharp. Without redoing the molds, Panda did some modifications and sent over a new set. These coins already include the wash to deepen the lines even more.

What’s next?

Panda already started with the production of all non-paper components which are the ones that take the longest to produce.

As soon as we will approve the new pre-production they will start printing all of the boxes and paper components.

Because of the time that is needed to complete all of these changes our deadline is shifting from OCT to approximately NOV/DEC 2020. You will still receive the games before Christmas.


We know you loved how the playmats looked and as per your request, here you can find wallpapers of the illustrations of all playmats.

Thank you very much for your patience and understanding!

If you have general questions about our pledge manager, comment on this update or on the Kickstarter page. For specific information on your order, contact us by using our contact form.

Sincerely yours,
Everybody here at Thundergryph Games

Pre-production has arrived! Update with photos and videos.
over 3 years ago – Sat, Aug 01, 2020 at 12:34:24 AM

Hello travelers!

We hope this message finds you well.

We still have 375 backers that need to complete their pledge. By confirming your pledge, you are making sure the game will be shipped to you along with all the rest of your orders. You can still update your address before we deliver.

If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by visiting on our BackerKit project page at

We really appreciate all your help towards this matter to make this Kickstarter project our most successful one in terms of organization and fulfillment.

Pre-production has arrived!

We are extremely excited to be in the last steps of pre-production. Today we have received a lot of new material: All the game boxes, the new traveler’s suitcase and tube, game cards, rulebooks and all the stretch goals and achievement booster packs.

We are so pleased with how sturdy these boxes are. We ended up deciding to give much more structure to the box by closing the bottom part and adding a tiny hole to make the sliding easy, and at the same time avoiding the box to slide involuntarily when taken off your shelf.

Please notice that everything here is a pre-production that was digitally printed and hand-cut and assembled.

In this collage, you can also see the unlocked Passport and the Stickers to bring along with you inside the traveler’s suitcase.

Here is how you will open a matchbox and how the foil of the boxes look!

The card stock is really awesome and the white core looks great. Here you can find some pictures of all the different games on their playmats. Consider that we are still missing the gems for Golems, but we recently received a picture from our manufacturer.

One of the most surprising components to see were the Space Lunch coupons, you can find a video below!

Last but not least we have the encore pack which includes all the unlocked stretch goals all and the achievements booster packs, which content is still secret!

If there are any of you interested in a spoiler, we could put some photos of each content on our website, but we rather prefer not to spoil the surprise!

What’s next?

It will take roughly a week to accept or communicate any minor changes that need to be done. We have changed the way we go through Q&A.

Games will be tested for 2-3 days by playing with different player counts and then will be sent to the next location. We will have three different groups of people composed by some that have been working on the project and some that have not, to make sure that everything is in place and we are not leaving out any detail regardless of how small it is.

We understand that making a mistake at this stage would be crucial as it could generate problems later. We will update you on how it goes and if we decide to change anything about it.

After that, if everything is ok, we will be able to start the mass production for the printed components, since all of the other bits have been already approved.

Spirits of the Forest: Moonlight is live on Kickstarter

You might already know Spirits of the Forest or this might be the first time you see it. We are running a campaign for the reprint of the wooden edition along with a scenario-based expansion that can be played cooperatively and competitively.

If you pledge on the campaign, as a returning backer you will be receiving the Arctic Wolf mini-expansion for free!

If you have general questions about our pledge manager, comment on this update or on the Kickstarter page. For specific information on your order, contact us by using our contact form.

Sincerely yours,
Everybody here at Thundergryph Games

Pre-production feedback and Eiyo Co-op
almost 4 years ago – Tue, Jul 07, 2020 at 12:39:45 AM

Hello travelers!

We hope this message finds you well.

Thank you to the 70 backers that confirmed their pledge since our last update. We still have 430 backers that need to complete their pledge. By confirming your pledge, you are making sure the game will be shipped to you along with all the rest of your orders. You can still update your address before we deliver.

By confirming your pledge now, you will be billed the following Tuesday, as we charge credit cards only once a week.

If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by visiting on our BackerKit project page at

We really appreciate all your help towards this matter to make this Kickstarter project our most successful in terms of organization and fulfillment.

Pre-production news and challenges

Pre-production has progressed smoothly so far. Panda has been quite communicative and while we are still waiting on the printed components, we have some other elements to show you this time around.

As you all know, pre-production can bring some challenges to face, as we often can let our minds run wild. But this time around we kept our head on our shoulders. These changes were promptly communicated and fixed in a couple of days.

The first thing were the resin bits for Rebis. The only way our manufacturer can place a tiny object inside a resin bubble is by having the size of the bit increased from 12 to 15mm.

You might think: Does 3 millimeters really make a difference? It totally does! We didn’t want to compromise over these components as they are a fundamental part of the theme. The best solution was to increase the cards to the next larger size, which was classic poker size.

Here you can see the issue and the solution provided.

Problem on the left, solution on the right

We also updated our Sleeves order to cover this new size of cards for Rebis.

When we received the playmat carrier we felt it was a bit bigger than expected and we felt something could be done to make it slightly thinner and more portable. Panda was thinking the same and promptly sent us a new layout to work on.

The new samples are ready and we are quite happy about it!

Lastly, playmats are done! Here are some photos for you to check out.

Hopefully, we will be able to show you even more next week as we are in the last steps of pre-production.

Eiyo Co-op reveal

If you missed our last live stream of the Matchbox Collection, you can watch the video by visiting our Twitch channel!

We played through a co-op game of Eiyo and revealed the samurai meeples and rules that will be included in all your boxes of Eiyo for free.

If you have general questions about our pledge manager, comment on this update or on the Kickstarter page. For specific information on your order, contact us by using our contact form.

Sincerely yours,
Everybody here at Thundergryph Games

Bits pre-production and a new gift for you
almost 4 years ago – Thu, Jun 11, 2020 at 01:56:47 AM

Hello travelers!

We hope this message finds you well.

At this time, around 500 backers still need to update their pledges over Backerkit and pay for the shipping cost. By confirming your pledge, you are making sure the game will be shipped to you along with all the rest of the parcels and you can still update your address before we deliver.

By confirming your pledge now, you will always be billed the following Tuesday, as we charge credit cards only once a week.

If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at

We really appreciate all your help towards this matter to make this Kickstarter project our most successful in terms of organization and fulfillment.

Pre-production photos - Game bits

Pre-production for the cardboard parts and cards is still undergoing while all the non-paper pre-production bits for the Matchbox collection are in transit right now. After approving these, we will immediately start production of all the non-paper components which is the most time-consuming process of manufacturing.

These photos were taken from our manufacturer and we will make sure to take more once samples arrive.

Rebis: This was the most complicated part, but with a couple of revisions, our manufacturer made sure it was exactly the way we wanted. Consider that some gems might look bigger just because of the magnifying glass effect depending on the position of the resin bubble.

Golems gems: As you can see, here is a combination of the shape and the finish/color that we are using for the gems in Golems. We hope you like them!

15 days: Animals have really come to life with the silkscreen art from Mateusz Mizak. We are very glad about their final appearance.

Playmat carrier: This carrier will comfortably fit all 4 of your playmats for the Matchbox Collection. It is definitely bigger than what we envisioned, but it will be perfectly fine to carry around for your game nights.

Special Live Stream, a new reveal for Eiyo

Tune in this Friday June 12th on Twitch at 9PM CET 3PM EST where the team will live stream a special new addition to Eiyo that all of you will receive for free. More info in our next update along with the video of the stream.

You will be able to ask any question and vote for which game you would love to see us play next, right after Eiyo.

We will be randomly giving away some add-ons and every viewer that is part of our Thundergryph Club will be able to redeem Thunders just for watching the livestream.

You can follow us on Twitch to be notified when we go live as we will not send an update to notify you about the stream.

If you have general questions about our pledge manager, comment on this update or on the Kickstarter page. For specific information on your order, contact us by using our contact form.

Sincerely yours,
Everybody here at Thundergryph Games

Last days to confirm your pledge
almost 4 years ago – Sat, May 09, 2020 at 05:39:04 PM

Hello travelers!

We hope this message finds you well.

Thank you all again for being so responsive to completing your pledges over Backerkit, 85% of you have already confirmed their pledges, and even though it may not seem like much to you as an individual backer, you have no idea how tremendously helpful this has been for all of us to plan production and logistics way ahead of delivery!

Live Stream Video

During our latest live stream, you unlocked a new mini-expansion for Rebis that will be added for free to all your pledges.

If you are curious about how it's played, make sure to watch the video of our Livestream here:

Bazaar deadline extended to May 11th!

You have been asking for a little bit more time to add items to your carts.
We have added a new list of countries (Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Mexico, Peru, Israel) and a new shipping fee should appear when you log in. If your country is not on the list or you are not ok with paying these shipping fees, we totally understand. In that case, please reach out to us for a refund.

The last day to make final updates to your order is May 11th. After this date, we will lock your reward selections and charge cards for add-on item purchases, pledge upgrades, and pre-orders. You can update your shipping address up until we lock addresses for shipping.

If you haven’t answered your Backerkit survey yet or paid for extra shipping after May 11th, we’ll still receive your information but your shipment may be delayed.

If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at


Our manufacturer has confirmed that they are already working on all the pre-production. As usual, we will update you immediately with photos of the components we receive.

This still places us in a good position in our production timeline and we can’t wait to share more good news with you in the upcoming weeks.

If you have general questions about our pledge manager, comment on this update or on the Kickstarter page. For specific information on your order, contact us by using our contact form.

Sincerely yours,
Everybody here at Thundergryph Games